The Guardian, a leading British newspaper, recently published an article he wrote calling attention to the persecution of Christians in some Islamic nations.
However, some Canadians have been critical of Leshner and Stark, and wrote to newspapers calling them a "sick aberration," while other Canadians did defend them.
After considering for a long time, he told Osborne who wrote to Fleming calling for an independent report.
The activists are writing to the NEC calling for tougher action than what is currently proposed.
On March 6, he wrote calling a halt to the sanctuary changes.
"You could have heard a pin drop all the way through my speech," he wrote in his diary after his Senate speech calling for immediate ratification of the charter.
"Then you want me to write to The Times calling public attention to what you have just told me?"
It was during his stay here that Stevenson wrote to his friends calling Tautira as "The Garden of the World".
Bill Bradley had attacked Gore's previous claims that he always supported abortion rights, and produced letters Gore wrote to constituents calling abortion "arguably the taking of human life."