Dr. Still wrote a book (currently out of print) title Early Recollections, The Life of Dr. James Still.
Sallier wrote Recollections of a Parlementary Magistrate a retrospective account of the events that happened during the critical year of 1788.
Sorrel wrote Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer, which was published in 1905 after his death.
In 1893 he wrote Recollections of Seventy Years.
Napoleon became friendly with his family, especially his younger daughter Lucia Elizabeth who later wrote Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon.
Dorothy Wordsworth wrote Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland, A. D. 1803 (1874) considered a classic of picturesque travel writing.
He also wrote Recollections of a Rambling Life (1897), printed in Yokohama for private circulation, which described his early years in Australia and his experiences in California.
Dorothy wrote Recollections for family and friends and never saw it published in her lifetime.
Here he continued the Don Juan and wrote the Ravenna Diary, My Dictionary and Recollections.
An editorial written by an individual in Mr. Beechers Tuesday night meetings "Recollections of Mr. Beecher"