I was to lie on my front, and not wriggle about, so that my back would heal more quickly.
At seven o'clock Sheila woke up, wriggled about, and climbed out of her bed.
They wriggled about in the sand and made dents for their bodies to lie in.
Connie came and sat on my lap, wriggling about.
Ruining your good trousers wriggling about on the ground.
Although they had been planning for this very moment, suddenly she felt rather as though the fish was wriggling about in her stomach.
A hard surface gouged his back and had him wriggling about in an attempt to find a more comfortable place.
He could see the slender coils of others, now, busily wriggling about, having themselves a feast.
Suddenly someone calls out he sees the cable at the bottom: there it was sure enough, apparently wriggling about as the waves rippled.
When he's conscious and wriggling about, the birds'll soon spot him.