He has touched the lives of all 137 Times scholars, 74 of them in college now, managing the wrenching process of picking 20 fellows a year from some 1,200 applications.
And there are even advantages to the wrenching process of streamlining - at least from the principals' perspective.
Rather, he said, Siemens was undergoing a wrenching process of coming into line with more stringent German and European laws on corporate conduct, which took effect in the late 1990s.
This may be a wrenching process, because the sale of so much real estate could drive property prices lower and the obligation to face up to the problems could force weak banks out of business.
Then the company went through the wrenching process of deregulation and hemorrhaged cash.
They seem intent on prolonging this wrenching process, perhaps hoping that anti-Castro sentiment in Miami will make it politically impossible for the I.N.S. to retrieve the child.
Although the family described in the article was different from the Battons in most respects, the wrenching process is similar.
Oates seems to see this country as a kind of vast, bubbling mass - a swamp, if you will - whose citizens define their place in the world in a wrenching process that isn't so different from a con job.
For its part, CS First Boston is still emerging from a wrenching process of bringing in new managers and laying off some staff.
Jurors, who spent more than two days deliberating, said it was a wrenching process.