Deciding whether to try to save such premature babies, given their high odds of having serious disabilities, has been a wrenching issue for decades.
Still, many advocates for the disabled acknowledge that abortion is a wrenching emotional issue.
The campaign was devoid of any wrenching issues beyond taxes.
As interviews with more than 30 mothers around the country show, politicians have waded into one of the most wrenching issues of American life.
The question of how aggressive to be in treating late-stage Alzheimer's patients is one of the most wrenching and contentious issues in medicine.
He keeps the wrenching moral issues of the play in a vise and makes sure we see the cost to the characters played out on the stage.
The conflicting assessments reflect in part an unusual confluence of two wrenching issues during the last few years.
The debate exemplifies the wrenching issues that may increasingly bedevil American medicine in an era of fast-changing, enormously expensive treatments and rising concern about costs.
And the discussion of affirmative action is a missed opportunity: she oversimplifies what is a wrenching moral issue.
These welcome announcements suggest that the church is beginning the climb to recovery from what has been a wrenching issue for Catholics everywhere.