Momentum carried the wounded monster over the wall into the surrounding brush.
Standing in the msasa forests, listening to the squealing and crashing of the wounded monster, Zouga.
The other task of Donfil was to cut the line if the wounded monster should suddenly decide to dive deep.
Unfortunately it has the force, and attitude to do untold damage to the world if it starts thrashing around like a wounded monster.
Aquino continued, "Instead, she's into the wounded monster of man who challenges her and treats her with respect."
The vicious beak of the wounded monster stabbed at Hal's leg as it rolled past, but missed the stroke.
They watched it approach their hill, a wounded monster whose right wing trailed burning fuel.
No wonder the tentacled Rider was even now crying out harshly to the wounded monster, trying the while to climb once more onto its back.
Godzilla eventually battles and cripples Ghidorah, with the wounded monster falling into the ocean.