Chaotica stopped suddenly, a deeply wounded expression on his face.
"No," Hana said, looking up at me with a wounded expression.
At her wounded expression he added, "Words cost nothing, they buy nothing.
Tabor put on a wounded expression, and prepared to take the next step- confirming that he was a part of Section 31.
Lambeth put on a wounded expression as he took her hand in his and raised it to his mouth.
He righted himself, coughed, and looked up at me with a wounded expression as if to say, You don't have to get rough about it.
"I do have a serious side," answered David, with a wounded expression.
His face was puffy, with a wounded expression, as if he suffered from toothache.
Hemming smiled her agreement to the tale and took on a wounded expression.
The man on the left did little to disguise his wounded expression.