Spider Man wound the thread on two of the poles from east to west, over and under the poles.
Another section of it was wound loosely around The Shadow's body, under his black cloak.
And the little electric train, which had wound its way through the tiny village under the tree, no longer makes its scheduled stops.
There was a middle track, hardly more than an animal path, which wound away under shady trees.
David knew well enough that others lay alive but wounded under the killing rain of arrows, helpless to get themselves free.
The procession slowly wound under the trees, and soon its last ranks disappeared in the depths of the wood.
Thirty more men fell dead, and ten wounded under the scything fragments from the mines.
He refolded the cloth, and wound it carefully under the cord.
If they were at risk, then so was I. They wound deeper under the earth, down twisting ways.
During the battle one of his horse's was killed and another wounded under him.