Those practices center around the personal efforts of the would-be master to attain "enlightenment".
Do they not know that such as they have invoked always turns upon its would-be masters in the end?
Myriad forms of life - transported from Earth and altered to fit the new conditions - proliferate beyond the control of their would-be masters.
Between the four of us we've defeated everything your would-be masters have thrown at us.
However, these vampires were more powerful than their would-be masters, slew them, and escaped Atlantis before the continent sank.
Yet the vehicles' height offers another advantage for would-be masters of the universe: owners can literally look down on less affluent car drivers.
It is an intelligent animal, but was at first poorly disciplined and seemed to deliberately make life difficult for his would-be master.
They're still slaves-and there are plenty of would-be masters.
Darkhorse, at last himself again, finally took notice of his would-be master.
And somehow, she had found the will to deny her would-be masters.