The only thing that had changed, really, was that banks were flinging cheap money at would-be homeowners, essentially conjuring up profits out of nowhere.
Real-estate agents inform would-be homeowners of the annual event and former homeowners often hand down their decorations to new residents.
The average price of a single-family home is now more than $300,000, considered to be well beyond the means of young, would-be homeowners with moderate incomes.
As would-be homeowners go through the process, they sometimes find that a good job and a comfortable salary do not guarantee a mortgage and a deed.
The pain is borne by would-be homeowners seeking mortgages or entrepreneuurs in need of loans.
The ease of construction and cost savings of kit houses appealed to many would-be homeowners across the economic spectrum, from blue-collar workers to the affluent.
It was only after the would-be homeowners signed the contracts that Tarrytown school officials claimed the homes as part of their district.
Businesses and would-be homeowners will pay a premium for every day new construction is delayed.
There are growing indications that would-be homeowners are beginning to move back into adjustable rate mortgages.
A1 Home purchases were put on hold by many would-be homeowners following the stock market's plunge.