And they also believe that would-be organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.
But would-be organic farmers will need far more encouragement and money from the government and the EC if they are to succeed.
Many would-be organic farmers lack the funding to establish environmentally friendly fertilizers to help their coffee grow at competitive rates.
The would-be farmers move into a disused cottage.
What legal safeguards will be provided to encourage the would-be private farmer?
Lydya has located another spring or two, and the would-be farmers have rebuilt the ditching.
Railway construction boosted opportunities for capital, credit, and would-be farmers.
They are already warning would-be black commercial farmers that they will lose their land if they do not occupy their farms.
But while rising demand, high prices and fast growth provide the stimulus, the prawn's life-cycle presents many problems for the would-be farmer.
Mr. Gergela said his group was receiving calls from would-be farmers looking to start in the business.