All I can do is offer you the seven thousand dollars' worth of remaining shares.
For their work last year, each committee member received $40,000 in cash plus $1,500 a meeting, $25,000 worth of restricted shares and 5,000 stock options.
Your employer can give you up to £3,000 worth of free shares in any tax year.
Young sold A$32.6 million worth of shares in 2005.
Yes, her husband had asked her to put in for £500 worth of shares.
In addition, the company will take on, and presumably retire, some $164 million worth of preferred shares.
Employers can grant employees options on up to £30,000 worth of shares each.
Last summer, he sold $1.1 billion worth of new shares to investors.
More than $20 million worth of shares were up for sale.
For managers to be forced to disclose their interests, they would have to own $5 million worth of shares.