Typically, skills and knowledge are divided up into smaller pieces, rather than a year's worth of material.
The band had just finished almost a full album's worth of material with Lane in the group.
He only had a 20-year career but wrote 23 volumes worth of material.
It's 1920 to 1965, give or take, and there's a lifetime's worth of material in there.
They performed live and recorded an album's worth of material but, nothing was ever released.
But a whole semester's worth of material is compressed into a few days.
This was done simply because the band had spent the whole recording budget but only produced half an album's worth of material.
Ever written a 10-page paper with only 5 pages worth of material?
As if to make sure we'll find something we like in this novel, Horn has stuffed several books' worth of material into it.
But anyway, you haven't a tenth's worth of real material on that whole sheet.