That was a worrying thought, he told Sacharissa.
She felt a deep pang of longing for Roger, even with the worrying thought of potential religious complications fresh in her mind.
This was a worrying thought.
Those suffering from anxiety may be unable to sleep due to intrusive thoughts, an inability to relax, obsessive worrying, and an "overactive" mind.
A worrying thought was that of the river eating into the mountains, leading to landslides which were an occasional occurrence in that area.
A more worrying thought struck him.
If any worrying thoughts enter your mind, don't try and force them out.
If unpleasant or worrying thoughts enter your head, don't try and force them out or you will become tense in mind and body.
"I just had a worrying thought," she said in a confidential tone.
This is a very worrying thought because the fastest growing area of the motor industry is that of four-wheel drive.