Treasury note and bond prices sagged in lackluster trading as worries about a flood of new issues prompted dealers to sell securities.
That worry prompted the proposal to replace lost or stolen 30-day cards, which the city does already for elderly and disabled people who register their cards.
Those worries did prompt the Army to begin a series of tabletop simulations to plan for protecting American forces during the rotation, Army officers said.
Whatever the cause, serious worries about Lefors's future last year prompted Norman Baxter, the local school superintendent (pictured below), to propose a public-land giveaway.
Recently, worries over possible atomic espionage prompted widespread use of polygraph screening at the nation's nuclear weapons laboratories, which are run by the Energy Department.
Such worries have prompted the sounding of at least one false alarm.
Indeed, worries about such conflicts are prompting one of the most profound changes in the brokerage business - the move to alter the way brokers are paid.
But worries prompted 20 co-op owners and tenants of rent-stabilized apartments to huddle outside the building, the Versailles, Wednesday night and ponder their next move.
The election-year worries prompted a noteworthy shift in policy positions among the Republican senators during the legislative session this year.
On Friday Denmark said it would clean up its banking sector and consider guarantees for foreign lenders, after worries about more failures prompted international funding markets to freeze out many of its banks.