In the secondary market for investment-grade corporate bonds, deepening worries about the financial health of major money center banks led to heavy selling.
His worries lead him to seek financial advice from the local Barber.
Tombstone knew that he should not, could not let his worry for Pamela lead his thinking about battle group strategy.
The worries about managed care are leading to proposals for broad new regulations, including a bipartisan Senate bill to require coverage of contraceptives.
Many said their worries, stoked in the hotly debated campaign, had led them to vote for the first time.
Growing worries about radiation and better scientific understanding of its harmful effects gradually led to action to limit the practice.
A decade ago, worries about such rapid obsolescence led many investors to shun technology stocks, which became ridiculously cheap as a result.
Her worry about his probable infidelity had led her to attack him in an irresponsibly dangerous manner.
My worry eventually led to a decade-long research project that compared the relative risk of 20 different recreational substances.
And that worry leads to pressure to compromise academic standards to admit those athletes.