As the spirits had slid into his belly, his worries had eased a bit and he'd begun to see dark humor in the situation.
Sony's performance, while far from robust, suggested that the company's biggest worries had eased.
Those worries eased - and gold prices fell - as monthly Government reports showed inflation holding steady between 4 and 5 percent.
Their initial advance payment on top of Nautilus's money had, for the moment, eased her financial worries.
A3 China's fears have turned to Japan as the old worries about a Soviet invasion have eased.
Today, those worries have largely eased.
Morrell's worry eased, ever so slightly.
But her worries eased when she and six other women in Nova Scotia, ages 50 to 68, began discussing living together.
His worry eased, Richard smiled and started off again, crawling past the rows of bookcases.
Although these worries have eased somewhat, the risk of an inflation-induced slowdown is real.