I'd stand up for you," I said, "but it would be a worrisome thing to have to think of somebody else.
You're able to do some worrisome things, like you can tell it don't ever turn on my microphone and camera without letting me know.
"The most worrisome thing is the sheer volume of inventory," he said.
He called it "one of the most worrisome things that emerges from the thick intelligence file we have on Iraq's biological weapons."
The worrisome thing isn't what Halliburton and other big contractors are supposedly doing behind the scenes.
It's healthy to stop thinking about worrisome things for a while.
The worrisome thing is the reaction of some agents, editors and publishers to the idea.
The worrisome thing for the school is that a lot can change between now and June 6.
And that was not the only worrisome thing about the Knicks' victory.
The truth is that we just don't know, and that may be the most worrisome thing.