Plums of Amethyst or Coral Her hand pins are no more than two inches long and look most interesting worn as pairs.
As he spoke Peter produced an old worn pair of dark leather gloves from his pocket and began to pull them on.
The man's wife had wasted no time going through his closets picking up worn and odd pairs.
He was drinking beer from a can while he strummed, his feet beating out the time in a worn pair of carpet slippers.
The pants were small sec-issue, tucked into a worn pair of canvas boots.
The league too often treats the past like a worn pair of shoulder pads.
Oh, yes, and an old, worn pair of sandals.
They said their supervisors were providing gloves, but they wanted to make sure they had enough to last several weeks while throwing away worn pairs frequently.
Dressed in only a worn pair of cut-off jeans, he rested his large bare feet on a wooden side table.
Old slippers, summer sandals, and a worn pair of lined rubbed boots stood in a tidy line to one side of the doorway.