After a certain amount of time, a quick flash went off and worm-like creatures began to crawl around the mountain.
There was an alien presence aboard, in the form of small insectile or worm-like creatures that could actually take over a host body.
A small worm-like creature crawls out and stops at the top of the meteorite.
Parasites begin life as a worm-like creatures which emerge from extraterrestrial spores.
It is depicted as a large, worm-like creature with tentacles, and shoots rocks at Luke.
Zeke faces off against Thorn's true form, a giant, worm-like creature.
You'll also see giant worm-like creatures, "very much inspired by the movie Tremors."
The planet's suffering is visualized by worm-like creatures, the Raaja.
The film told the story of a small group of people living in Nevada who were fighting subterranean worm-like creatures.
Dholes are huge, slimy worm-like creatures, at least several hundred feet long.