You know, sort of general... LEO: When you say the exploits are out there, there isn't yet a worm exploit, just a script's exploiting it from a web page?
The worm simply exploited a security hole in SQL Server 2000, a Microsoft database program, and clogged the bank's network to the point of inoperation.
The worm exploited a vulnerability in the indexing software distributed with IIS, described in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-033, for which a patch had been available a month earlier.
New viruses pop up all the time, but it's rare for a worm or other exploit to have the kind of impact that Storm once did.
The worm exploited several vulnerabilities to gain entry to targeted systems, including:
LNK viruses and worms are now in the wild, exploiting this.
The worm exploited a bug in the phpBB software to infect the host, defacing the website and deleting all of the messages stored on the forums.
This worm infected systems by exploiting vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows system code (TFTPD.
The worms in this case exploit a vulnerability inside computers, particularly those running Windows 2000.
For example, many worm, a trojan horse and a computer virus exploit multiple techniques to attack and propagate.