"It was tough, actually quite painful out there, playing under pressure," said Goosen, who has 12 worldwide victories.
Sorenstam displayed the driving accuracy and ball-striking skills that have carried her to 53 worldwide victories, making her one of the greatest players of women's golf.
Creamer, who earned three worldwide victories and a high school diploma this year, played the maximum five matches during the competition; she won three and halved another.
Right now, he is probably the most driven competitor in golf, with seven worldwide victories this year.
Norman ended 1986 with ten worldwide victories and was officially ranked number 1 in the brand new Official World Golf Rankings.
Two of his 30 worldwide victories have come at majors - the 1998 P.G.A. Championship and the 2000 Masters.
It also followed that a worldwide victory of communist countries is inevitable.
Our defeat there will again be seen as a victory of Allah over the Great Satan and a prediction of worldwide victory for Islam.
"Man, I think I need another three weeks off after that," said Els, whose triumph today give him his 15th worldwide victory and a check for $234,000.
He had six worldwide victories last year, including his third Masters and his second United States Open, for a career total of eight majors.