Inevitably the workers would rise up in a worldwide revolution and abolish private property, according to Marx.
The document was a densely written manifesto that called for a worldwide revolution against the effects of modern society's "industrial-technological system".
During the late 50's and early 60's, Village clubs were the center of ferment for a worldwide revolution in musical values.
And where would the trigger for worldwide revolution come from - advanced economies or those still in the process of industrialization?
Or the Communists waiting for the worldwide revolution.
Beijing's support for worldwide revolution became increasingly militant, although in most cases it lacked the resources to provide large amounts of economic or military aid.
Americans for much of the past three centuries have considered themselves the vanguard of a worldwide liberal revolution.
Communism's thrust toward worldwide revolution has masked the insularity of the Soviet Union.
Tatlin's spoke of modern industry and the historical forces pressing for worldwide revolution.
We have been leading a worldwide revolution to bring human rights and a better way of life to all.