The report concedes that rapid worldwide reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases "may not be politically achievable."
Some environmentalists plan to argue that California's plan is crucial to worldwide reductions in conventional pollutants and carbon dioxide, which scientists believe to be responsible for climate change.
More recent research indicates a worldwide reduction in sea level of approximately 80 meters.
Britain's leading military contractor, British Aerospace, is closing two factories and cutting jobs because of a worldwide reduction in orders for military aircraft, the company said.
John Dreyer, a Disney spokesman, said it was the first time the company had ever announced a worldwide reduction of its work force.
The Reagan Administration pushed the Latin Americans into pro-business austerity policies, and set the tone for a worldwide reduction of government's role.
The savings would come from the closing of plants and offices, and worldwide reductions of up to 10,000 of the merged company's 55,000 employees, the analysts said.
U.S. Presses View President Bush made a commitment for a worldwide reduction in farm subsidies his highest priority at the economic summit meeting.
No matter what the analysts say, we can observe a worldwide reduction in consumption as well as increases in redundancies and retrenchments.
He is gearing up for global trade talks aimed at a worldwide reduction in barriers in agriculture, financial services, transportation and manufacturing.