A sixth man convicted in the case, which set off worldwide outrage, had his death sentence commuted to life in prison.
If this had been gorillas stolen, there'd be worldwide outrage.
Video footage capturing the daily "human safaris" through the forest home of the islands' recently contacted Jarawa tribe has provoked worldwide outrage.
They could cut it off now, and that would create worldwide outrage.
As such, it is hard to imagine them being able to foment worldwide outrage at the BBC's actions - important men though they think they are.
A much broader pattern of command failures is surfacing as the Bush administration is attempting to respond to worldwide outrage over the issue.
He was deposed two years later, when news of two massacres of children, reportedly carried out on his orders, caused worldwide outrage.
WikiLeaks' release of a 2007 Apache gunship video sparked worldwide outrage, but little change in US policy.
The killing, which occurred in 1988, was met with worldwide outrage and focused attention on environmental destruction of the Amazon.
It prompted worldwide outrage and a rapid intensification of diplomatic efforts to bring a halt to the conflict.