Most unbelievers today consider the notion of a literal, worldwide flood in Noah's day to be mythical and legendary because they refuse to accept a literal creation by God.
Explanation of the earth's geology by catastrophism, including the occurrence of worldwide flood.
He explains the fossils were created by billions of organisms that were washed together by the mass destruction of the worldwide flood, buried, and fossilized.
Next comes the worldwide flood.
Creation modified by a worldwide flood, which had deposited fossil animals at various altitudes or buried them in mud and silt, as Eden itself must have been buried.
He argues for a Young Earth with only one Ice Age, for a worldwide flood, and for the survival of dinosaurs into the 19th century.
In Aztec mythology, Coxcox was the only male survivor of a worldwide flood.
In the Book of Enoch, Enoch (as the narrator) tells Methuselah of the coming worldwide flood and of the future Messianic kingdom.
Dozens, possibly even hundreds of Cardassian targets were simultaneously attacked, releasing a worldwide flood of violence.
Several of the Americans expressed the opinion that the GEC could not solve the problem, and one actually seemed to believe that a worldwide flood would be a good thing!