And much more capacity will be necessary to accommodate a worldwide explosion in air travel, which, Mr. Ellis says, will triple the number of passengers by 2030.
The story shifts to show American military commanders being informed by a "professor" that "some outside force" is draining the world's nuclear weapons stockpile of protons, making the weapons unstable and threatening "a worldwide nuclear explosion."
With more than 240 works by 135 artists, it rejects the conventional art-historical focus on a few European and North American artists and tries to track a worldwide explosion in Conceptual Art.
By 1997, Jed was Sony's key executive responsible for superstar band Creed's international marketing campaign and worldwide explosion.
This ambitious and groundbreaking exhibition of more than 240 works by 135 Conceptualists attempts to track a worldwide explosion in Conceptual Art production.
It began in 2004 as part of the worldwide explosion in Texas Hold 'em popularity.
This ambitious and groundbreaking exhibition of more than 240 works by 135 Conceptualists attempts to track a worldwide explosion in Conceptual Art production, a development whose significance has been likened to the development of Cubism.
There is also a worldwide explosion of interest in the pinot noir grape.
Olajuwon's international origin foreshadowed the worldwide explosion in the popularity of basketball in the 1980s and 1990s.
Following 2007's worldwide explosion in the prices of all foodstuffs, and therefore of milk, the last 12 months have seen a collapse in prices.