Production will exceed consumption by about 122,000 tons, according to the firm, which expects worldwide consumption to grow 3.6 percent this year.
The lower figure implies losses of about 600 million barrels, equivalent to more than three months' worldwide consumption.
But only about 100,000 barrels a day go into the United States reserves out of worldwide consumption of 82 million barrels.
In a 1986 report, the annual worldwide consumption of NaF was estimated to be several million tonnes.
With these three main production centers kiwifruit is produced for worldwide consumption roughly all year long.
Specialists expect the worldwide solvent consumption to increase at an average annual rate of 2.5% over the next years.
The use of platinum as a catalyst in the pollution-control device accounts for about a third of worldwide consumption.
Data about worldwide consumption often arrives months late.
He believes China's reputation for making goods for worldwide consumption allows the country to understand the global market.
Since 1980, worldwide consumption of single malts has more than doubled, to 2.25 million nine-liter cases last year, or about 27 million bottles.