A major new worldwide consensus has been sought based upon the best available scientific evidence.
"There is not yet a worldwide consensus that the minimum age should be raised," she said.
There is no worldwide consensus on the definition of "mountain", but in Great Britain and Ireland it is often taken to be any summit at least 2,000 feet (or 610 metres) high.
Governor Bush should use his leadership to bring Texas in line with worldwide consensus and into conformity with a basic principle of international justice.
There is however, no worldwide consensus on which number indicates which packaging level and no significance should be built into this number.
Applying this principle, worldwide consensus has determined which day, hour, and minute the Sun will brighten so much as to boil away the Earth's seas.
There is no worldwide scientific consensus on the pathogenesis of food intolerance.
The program was created because of the growing worldwide consensus that testing athletes away from competition on short notice is one of the most effective ways of discouraging their use of performance-enhancing drugs.
Mazlish presses for a worldwide consensus in the study of humanity itself, an object that has proved resistant to scholarly agreement.
We do not have to wait until worldwide consensus is reached regarding harmonised testing procedures.