Spain's worldwide military activities between the 14th and 17th centuries called for large numbers of horses, more than could be supplied by native Spanish mares.
In worldwide activities, parents' organisations, health care professionals and concerned individuals took part in the celebrations.
It is part of the worldwide terrorist activity.
Industry experts in Italy estimate that their worldwide criminal activity is worth more than $100 billion annually.
The word "ecnad" is now becoming popular worldwide in representing performing arts activities and companies.
Its worldwide activities, including lending to foreign governments, became more important relative to its original California retail operations.
Castor bean processing is a worldwide activity; therefore, the raw materials for making ricin are easily available.
During these years, more than 20 different broadcast services provided the Second Programme with concert materials from the entire spectrum of worldwide musical activity.
It also holds materials related to North Carolina, the tobacco industry, worldwide missionary activities, and American military history.
So far only a few obscure sources on the Net were commenting on the pickup in worldwide seismic activity.