In my opinion, it is not a world-shaking event.
But except for the fallout caused by world-shaking events, the diversification strategy can pay off with benefits that are quite attractive.
Although the Mitfords' letters refer to some world-shaking events, their irresistible appeal comes from the way they invite us into the closed family circle.
The hearing traced family tragedies and world-shaking events that brought Mr. Hussain to this point.
But at the time it was overshadowed by the thrill of being involved in exciting and world-shaking events.
What Cincinnatus wanted to know more about weren't world-shaking events, and they didn't have anything directly to do with Des Moines, either.
And there is nothing wrong with that, because TV series need not be world-shaking events.
I mention those world-shaking events because in both of them, and the Russian Revolution too, it was so far from simple and straightforward.
"In a way the world doesn't live on world-shaking events."
These ages are determined by world-shaking events, which bring each Era to a close and begin the following Era.