University of Peradeniya has been served by a number of world-class faculty.
The Festival has grown in notoriety and size for providing an ever-increasing roster of opportunities through its world-class faculty, collaborative initiatives, presentational genres, and corporate economic partnerships.
Each concentrated session is taught by a combination of USC Marshall's world-class faculty and some of the thought leaders in the industry.
Taught by world-class faculty, along with well-known executives from the food industry, this program becomes more prestigious with every passing year.
The intimacy of the program allows students to interact with the world-class faculty in small class settings and one on one.
The second phase exposes delegates to the "nuts and bolts" of business ownership through various workshops and lessons from world-class faculty.
The program provide students with world-class faculty as their mentor and supervisor in research and studies.
But as for this initiative, he said, he suspected its greatest impact might come overseas, among institutions that cannot attract world-class faculty.
The combination of experienced professional students and world-class faculty make the classroom an excellent learning environment and forum for discussion.
During this time, we have admitted high-achieving students from around the world, recruited world-class faculty to Tulsa, and developed a thriving campus community.