This results in more drain on the world resources.
Since his first book in 1963, he has authored or co-authored fifty books on world resources and our food supply.
He finds that if our economy needed third world resources and markets, "then indirect control through local stooges made a great deal of sense."
Oil companies have extensive information on world resources and energy demands.
Arising from this, Quakers have long held a concern about economic justice, reconciliation, and the right sharing of world resources.
The wealthy nations, they say, must maintain cheap access to third world natural resources and unfree labor, by force if necessary.
"The world resources cannot afford to feed a China with billions of people," he wrote.
India accounts for over 20% of the world resources in granite.
The problem is that we are going to exhaust all the world's resources.
- Africa Contact believes in a more sustainable and equitable distribution of world resources.