Still, it puzzled Harry years later that his dreams kept returning to the desolate world of his youth.
The world of his youth already seemed unimaginably remote; reality outdid storytelling exaggeration, even by Irish standards.
Since then Miriam has retreated into the monied, bourgeois world of her youth.
The world of her youth was soon lost in an environmental disaster; intense volcanic activity laid waste to the entire planet.
Sometimes she ate Tilan food, or at least what she remembered to have eaten on the world of her youth.
In the long-past, almost non-existent world of his youth, it had been the custom to give women flowers!
But Solaria was no longer the world of her youth.
Eventually, even the founders left, returning to the more familiar, profitable worlds of their youth.
What annoyed her most was feeling like a social outcast, cut off from the instantaneous electronic world of Japan's tech-savvy youth.
For all his infirmities, he still managed to make clear just what the tears were for: the vanished world of his youth and family.