In "Math Detective," Carmen Sandiego has stolen 12 world monuments and shrunk them into tiny crystals.
He wanted to make a world monument and I want a functional train station.
"It will be the first time people will be able to see finds from this world monument."
Window of the World hosts a collection of scale replicas of famous world monuments.
Grimlock helped to sniff out the "dinosaur transform static" that implicated Trypticon in the theft of world monuments.
They then received photographs of their kidnapped gnome photographed at several famous world monuments.
Brazil's world famous monument turns 80.
And the context of this building is that it blocks the view of a world monument, the Brooklyn Bridge.
After a brief but energetic moment on stage, they scurried off to catch another world monument before lunch.
When Trypticon's energon consumption spiraled out of control, Octane was forced to blow his cover by sending him to steal various world monuments.