Do you know how many worlds intersect the Labyrinth and how many weak points there are even where we don't have stations?
The worlds of entertainment and racing have intersected this week.
However, these worlds must never intersect lest the integrity of the game be compromised.
But that could change as virtual worlds increasingly intersect with the real one, some legal experts contend.
The only time the two worlds intersected was at the table.
And in the normal course of events, it is unlikely their worlds would ever have intersected.
Somewhere in the course of her day-to-day activities, each woman's world had intersected with the Surgeon's.
"Even though we do the same thing," Vachon said, "our worlds don't intersect."
The worlds of light opera and the blues rarely intersect.
The two worlds intersect, but until recently the consensus among economists was that financial markets were a sideshow.