And would a world focused on the latest war have the stomach, or the attention span, to listen again to the facts surrounding Sept. 11?
Nor would he have thought, as some human-rights groups assume, that these recent actions would go unnoticed with the world focused on Iraq.
Ignorance is bliss and ignorant people making such retarded comments are why the world can't focus on positive things being done in the world!
So far, the world focuses only on one - to continue the work of creating peace with the Palestinians and other Arab societies.
His world focused on the now of his hands and tongue.
"But aging baby boomers may be the second-biggest thing, and I don't know that the world has really quite focused on that yet."
Finally they have become convinced that the world is focusing on them and their behavior.
She anxiously fought to open her eyes, to see who or what it might be, and finally managed, but the world wouldn't focus.
While the world focused on the 19 deaths here, more than two dozen other lives were lost last year in Georgia's inter-ethnic violence.
The world has focused its attention on Ukraine; the European Union must now do so.