It was still quite in keeping with world Communism.
He concluded that they advocated the doctrines of world communism.
They are fanatics to the cause of world communism.
By the mid-Fifties he considered himself the natural leader of world Communism.
The kikes were behind the drug trade, world communism, diseases of the genitals.
If so, the fate of world Communism turns out to have been altered by a dispute between philanderers.
But more importantly, China sees itself as the protector of world Communism these days.
When the case began, the Government charged that the eight were affiliated with a group that "advocates world communism."
We have achieved - in one way at least - something like Trotsky's vision of world communism: permanent revolution.
They were charged under a section of the immigration law that makes it a crime to distribute or publish materials relating to world communism.