The production of the world car - the Fiat Palio - began in 1996.
Apart from the tight rear seat, there isn't much to complain about in this thoroughly modern "world car."
They were joined on the journey by Bochum University's solar round the world car.
Although there is much talk about world cars, the interna-tionalization of the automobile-components industry is already complete.
The automotive industry has its world car.
This poses a challenge in building a "world car," a vehicle that can be made and sold globally with only small concessions to local tastes.
It is a world car, developed by Fiat Automóveis and aimed at developing countries.
The 1988 and 1989 the M6 was a "world car" with the same bumpers and aerodynamic treatments in all markets.
But he is also placing a gigantic bet on the success of an ideal vehicle known as the "world car."
As Ford's so-called world car, versions of the sedan will be sold in 73 countries.