All of their children went on to play an important role within world jewry.
But he said it was important for world Jewry to resolve those differences and be represented by a single body.
On the surface, he said in last night's address, there are many reasons for optimism about the state of world Jewry.
A. I would like to think more in terms of world Jewry.
Main bulk of World Jewry lives now in those 3 countries.
"We believe America is the long arm of world Jewry," he said.
World Jewry lost one of its most powerful advocates.
But when the Israelis and world Jewry decided to take over, they did what we always hoped.
Their actions endanger not only Israel, but world Jewry as well.
However, there were may other scattered communities which for centuries, even millennia, had lost all contact with this main body or network of world Jewry.