By 2015, its share of world GDP as a whole is forecast to have grown by 15% in 35 years.
The report also showed that world GDP dropped by 1.4pc in 2009, the first decline since 1946.
Brief oil interruptions in 1973 and 1979 markedly slowed - but did not stop - the growth of world GDP.
He does however consider continuous growth in world GDP a problem:
The Eurozone is about 20% of world GDP so it still matters but by 2050 it will be about 12% or less.
Interestingly the Anglosphere is 37% of world GDP and will remain so by 2050.
Tanzania's annual output still falls below the average world GDP.
This represents a decline from 1990 when military expenditures made up 4% of world GDP.
Economic growth spread to all regions of the world during the 20th century, when world GDP per capita quintupled.
Most studies assessed by Smith et al. (2001) projected increasing net losses in world GDP for higher temperatures.