The workshop teaches participants how to fight against cyber criminals, and how to protect themselves from being hacked.
Other workshops will teach food preservation, decoy making and African-American wood carving.
If nothing else, the workshop will teach you not to laugh at something you've never tried.
It uses workshops to teach students the right attitudes and behaviour to succeed in the job market.
In between shows, the bands get courses and workshops to teach them how to be more successful in promoting their band.
A free workshop teaches the basic Zydeco dance steps, starting at 7:30.
The workshops teach parents spelling rules to pass on to their children.
These NGOs offer workshops to teach young tribe members techniques to document their lifestyles.
Besides learning how to dress, Ms. James said, the workshop taught her about professionalism, teamwork and setting goals.
The third workshop will teach calligraphers several styles for drawing the acanthus leaf, a common design motif.