The workshop features a different cast than the 2012 closed reading but is directed by Louis Hobson, who also directed the reading.
The workshop annually features premier performances of new works and arrangements for tenor and bass trombone.
Often centered around a theme, some workshops feature acts of similar style, while others may feature artists of different genres.
This workshop will feature housing and finance professionals to counsel families one-on-one about their foreclosure problems.
The workshop will feature Sue Yee, a storyteller.
Mr. Polcri's workshop featured a painted Genoese console table made about 1720, flooded in 1966 and restored.
The workshops feature storytelling, an art activity pertaining to the theme of the story, and other participatory activities like discussions of artwork.
Dr. Weil's first workshop, Jan. 19 to 22, will feature lectures on healthy aging, nutrition, women's health, sleep psychology, vitamins and supplements.
Also, annual conferences and workshops bearing his name would feature discussions about government ethics and showcase prominent political leaders.
Seminars and workshops feature topics relevant to today's workingwomen.