Frederic Chiu also created a series of workshops entitled "Deeper Piano Studies" that approach piano playing through non-traditional methods uniting different philosophies of music, performance and learning.
Along with programs on the First Amendment and ways to attract readers, the convention will offer a workshop entitled "Managing in Tight Times."
For several years, she ran a series of workshops entitled "The Business of Being an Artist".
In September 2007, the Institute of Medicine held a workshop entitled "The Development of DRIs 1994-2004: Lessons Learned and New Challenges."
Indeed, immediately after the discussion on the ethical problem that advertorials and such things can present, the publishers adjourned to a workshop entitled "How to Do Advertorials."
Since 2005, in collaboration with Lourens Rozema, Gaulon is running workshops entitled the e-waste workshops, inviting participants to create art projects from recycled electronic waste.
Dr. Kranzler was on his way to the synagogue to lead a workshop entitled, "What to Say to Your Children about Street Beggars and the Homeless."
In 1964, Joan Baez led a workshop entitled "The New Folk Music" which included a free performance.
She designed an experiential workshop entitled "Disengaging Depression" which was based on her staunch belief that people can overcome psychological and physical difficulties through courage and personal responsibility.
This story was told last week at a workshop entitled "Where Do We Go From the Garden of Eden?"