Rather, his works merge the traditions of earlier composers and post-World War II innovations and translate them into his own idiosyncratic style.
In 1616, in London, Mocket published a volume in Latin, containing some works not previously translated from English.
Premchand translated several non-Hindi works into Hindi.
As well as publishing books in English and having those works translated, Hughes has created books especially for foreign language publishers that will never exist in English.
His works dealt mainly with law, but also poetry, fruit of time he spent editing and translating classical sources in search of the original meaning.
Foreign writers whose works Ehrenburg translated included those of Francis Jammes.
His works translated into 10 languages of the peoples of Europe.
His works were primarily in English but also translated into other languages such as German and Korean.
His life and his works; translated by James Bruce.
Aizpuriete's works translated into at least 14 languages.