These works revolve around the ideas of equality and freedom, and helped inspire the tendencies toward passive resistance and non-violence in the Korean independence movement.
Henrik Capetillo's works have often revolved around identity related issues, on a personal as well as formal levels.
His works generally revolved around the Czech countryside.
His works often revolve around young girls from the countryside who are trying to adapt to a life in the city.
Nevertheless, his works revolve around certain coherent contexts and returns again and again to the same themes.
His works revolve around the attainment of certainty (yaqin), the degree of unshakeable faith in God and Muhammad.
O'Brien's works often revolve around the inner feelings of women, and their problems in relating to men, and to society as a whole.
His works revolve around the construction of history, the traces that history left in the collective mind.
Camaj's works revolve around themes like the loss and search for tradition and the loneliness brought by future changes.
Early Minimalist works revolved around what Steve Reich called "process," a systematic structure that unfolded gradually over the course of a composition.