Some medieval chronicles and literary works derive the name of the city of Buda from him.
Many other games and works of mainstream fantasy fiction derive their "dark elves" or "night elves" from the drow of Dungeons & Dragons.
Reflecting on life and death, the works derived from megaliths and other prehistoric monuments.
In 2008 it was further extended to cover tracings, and other works derived from photographs or pseudo-photographs.
Mr. Chesnutt hired artists like Linus Coraggio, who makes steel furniture from found objects; his works derive their strength partly from the rawness of the materials.
Differences in style and theology lead some scholars to conclude that some the works attributed to Hippolytus actually derive from a second author.
The inner advantages that mediocre literary works derive from the fact that their authors are still alive and present behind them.
Other, less tangible worlds inspire Mary Carlson and Steve Deihl, whose works derive from astronomy and physics.
Two works derived from the same Spanish dance form, the alegrias.
The evening's other works derived from dramatic situations.