He is known for the Viveka-Siddhi and Parammrita which are metaphysical, pantheistic works connected with orthodox Vedantism.
He has prepared the estimates for the civil works connected with the Development/Renovation Project.
The same is true of works connected with the so-called 'alliterative revival', whose texts at that time no English printer touched.
He wrote also, History of Parma, until 1346, as well as other works connected with the ancient history of Italy.
The drawings were used for information on the works connected with the bridge and passed to the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland in 2001.
The Birtwistle pieces are not among the works connected to the Freedom theme.
The 17-gun earthwork fort was enlarged in 1782 to be 320 feet long and 170 feet wide, with two semi-circular works connected by a redan on each side.
This museum collection includes works connected to Spain, Latin America, and New Mexico.
When he thus became bishop-elect, the works connected with the fabric of the cathedral had been conducted to a successful termination, leaving for his successor only the decorations and fittings.
He assisted his master in the designs for the London Docks, and in the execution of the works connected with that undertaking.