Lotte Bailyn, the chairwoman of the faculty and an expert on workplace equality, said the group had discussed trying to spread similar initiatives to the rest of the university.
Only when the caregiving work of both parents is socially valued will women achieve workplace equality.
(Some feminists fear that a focus on motherhood and the needs of children will distract from the goal of workplace equality, though I think Warner overstates their influence.)
But American concepts like workplace equality and the rights of workers to organize are "aspirational," Mr. Lickerman said.
In addition, third-wave feminism tackled body image, transgender sexuality and sweatshop labor along with reproductive freedom and workplace equality.
Out & Equal describes its organizational vision as, "To achieve workplace equality for all regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, expression, or characteristics ."
The Trailblazer Award recognizes an LGBT person who has made a significant contribution to advancing workplace equality.
This employer has a history of continually raising the bar of workplace equality for others to follow.
But others say battles like that for workplace equality should take precedence.
The new site is really a virtual performance venue, which is a more interesting aspect than the political side - who, after all, could argue against workplace equality?