The core Metallica disciples tend to be alienated, working-class males.
"The New Wave protagonist was usually a working-class male without bearings in a society in which traditional industries and the cultures that went with them were in decline."
With an anti-immigrant message appealing principally to racist working-class males, the party nevertheless retained an antisemitic ideology.
Maybe he'd get one of those pointless kickings which tended to be meted out disproportion-ately highly on the streets of Scotland from some working-class males to others.
This act made working-class males a majority of the electorate in the country at large.
"Stone Cold" has excellent production values for its genre, which means that serious money and craft were used to peddle this moral crack to its target audience, working-class teen-aged males.
The hooligan fans are mostly white, working-class males aged 17-20.
This extension of the law has created new criminals who do not fit the picture of the 'typical criminal', the young, working-class male.
What the football terraces offer young working-class males is a chance to escape the boring world of their everyday life.
Further, does he agree that in many areas, such as Ballymena in my constituency, the worst affected group is that of Protestant working-class males?